Friday, November 16, 2007

Presenting Apache Tika

Yesterday, during the Fast Feather Track at the ApacheCon US, I presented the incubating Apache Tika project. See below for the slides:

[slideshare id=168085&doc=apache-tika-1195158817320413-4&w=425]

I was positively surprised about the level of attendance and also the interest in Tika during the Search Roundtable BOF later in the evening. Even though the project is still just starting, it's already generating lots of interest and I really look forward to getting the first releases out.


  1. Please, Could any one tell me where to find the book "Tika in Action". I'm a beginer using that powerfull tool, but I don't have any document that help me to understand it better. Any help will be great.

  2. You can find the Tika in Action book at It should be out in print already next month.
